Wednesday, June 19, 2013


My name is Jessica. I have a 10 gallon aquarium and in it lives 3 hermit crabs: Claws, Daisy, and Crabby. I learned that hermit crabs, in captivity, live over 10 times shorter then they do in the wild! With a little research, I found over 1 million reasons not to own them, like the abuse you will be contributing to, such as hermit crabs being ripped from their shells and forced into new ones. I much rather have them choose their own shells and be happier and free.
I also, however, learned that they live in trash in the wild. This is due to litter.
Does that look healthy? NO!
So, we need to keep our oceans clean and hermit crabs wild. Stop the endless torture of being ripped from a shell and stuck in a sink, and other horrors of slavery, and stop this

Learn the difference of good hermit crab care and bad hermit crab care
They live longer in the wild. Therefor, I am DONE buying hermit crabs! When 2 of them dies (from old age; I am not going to kill them) I will send the last one to someone who has hermit crabs. First, though, I need to check their house and the cage and make sure everything is acceptable. That way, it will not die alone.

After my hermit crabs, I will use the aquarium for fish.

I know what you are thinking: Get to the fish!
However, if I am going to take my time to document my fish in to a blog and share advice, I would at least like to know that it will not all be going to waste.
Before I start documenting cool fish aquarium plans and fish keeping advice I would like at least 100 page reviews.
Thank you for being one of the 100.

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